We then created the butterfly that you see below with small bits of scrapbook paper. Little Bit was able to practice cutting and using a glue bottle. I love how the butterfly turned out!
With the move I have not been able to do more with the book but I have a few ideas to use with this book.
- Use insect and animals figures or pictures and count out how many are found on each page.
- Create a garden with flowers and plants cut from construction paper and hide the different insects and animals in the picture.
- Create each of the animals and insects.
- Visit a local garden (or your own garden) and look for the animals that were in the book.
This is a list of gardening activities and crafts from other blogs.
- No Time For Flash Cards has a list of 23 crafts and activities that focus on the garden.
- Happy Hawkins has cute ideas for felt gardening play sets.
- No Time For Flash Cards has another great idea for practicing patterns and counting.
- Fantastic Fun & Learning as a fun the gardening sensory bin.